About us

Heartiest greetings fellow spice lovers! 

Thanks very much for taking the time to find out more about us. 

Being of Indian heritage, it would be difficult for me to ignore the role spices play in our lives! Spice is central to our culture and cuisine so I really do get excited in in this space. Mix that with my London based upbringing, just imagine a childhood playing and dining with kids from the neighbourhood, all from an array of diverse backgrounds. Imagine also, following mum around, weaving in and out of the local international shops supplying Londoners with flavours from India, Thailand, Jamaica, China and Ethiopia to name a few. Its no surprise that I have found myself on a path that has naturally led me to a lifelong obsession with trying out and recreating the smorgasbord of flavours found right on my doorstep (and in my home!). 

Fortunately I was lucky enough to travel in-between jobs which kept my obsession with exotic and unique flavours well and truly fired up. I channeled much of this learning into the vast and unique range of herbs and spices we have incorporated into our blends. 

Having grown up watching my gran and mum creating and sharing delicious spice blends with family and friends, we picked up this long standing tradition during the pandemic and started sharing spice blends to family and friends. The response ack was so amazing, we were pleased to have created a shared experience by pouring all our love into the spice blends. Our WhatsApp chats were constantly full of messages tellinb us how well the blends were going down.

Fast forward a few years, we are still obsessed with creating new flavours, and demand has risen so we decided to grow our community, continue to share the love and  introduce people around the world to our wonderfully, decadent, exciting world of BIG BANG! spices. 

The spice blends have always been 100% natural and home made, simple to use for busy people and created from a combo of love, spreading a sense of community and just pure and utter appreciation for flavours from around the world. 

Please do reach out, always excited to chat about our products, service, recipes. If there is anything we can do to improve any of these things - we want to know! Email us via Hello@bigbangspices.co.uk

Love from Anisha and the BIG BANG! crew